
Night Train - Amos Lee


【乡村民谣】Night Train - Amos Lee

推荐一首极为诚恳的乡谣《夜行列车》,非常适合一个人在回家的路上听。Amos Lee本身就是吉他乐手,婉转醇厚的爵士腔调里带着别样的忧郁,平淡却让人难忘。晚安啦!可爱的人们!

Amos Lee,音乐之路起始于1995年,当时正就读于南卡罗来纳大学〈University of South Carolina〉英文系。Lee在学校里遇到了许多志趣相投的朋友,开始弹吉他、唱歌并写歌。毕业后回到老家费城,在一间小学里教书;最后Lee选择放弃稳定的教书工作,全心追求理想。

《Night Train》
I've been working on a night train
Drinking coffee, taking cocaine
I'm out here on a night train
Trying to get us safely home

Well in a little country station
Somewhere out in the midwest
I see the people out there waiting
Heart beating in my chest

And I'm thinking about a woman
Who I would put no one above
I'm not looking to replace her
Just need someone to love

Well I'm out here on my night train
Drinking coffee, taking cocaine
I'm out here on a night train
Trying to get us safely home

And I'm living in the city
Where the noise, it never stops
How much pounding on the pavement
Whizzes from traffic cops

Nobody looks you in the eye here
Walking around with clinched fists
I've been searching for a simple place
Don't know if it exists

There's a sunrise out there calling my name
I can see her moving, I can see her moving

Well at a certain time of night, now
I'll become one with the wind
Where there isn't a beginning
And there is no end

Oh when everything is flowing
Everything is on time
And I know that we're all going
To the end of the line

Well I'm out here on my night train
Drinking coffee, taking cocaine
I'm out here on a night train
Trying to get us safely home

Well I'm out here on my night train
Drinking coffee, taking cocaine
I'm out here on a night train
Trying to get us safely home
Trying to get us safely home
Trying to get us safely home

